Message from the principal
It was great to see the number of parents and whānau who were able to come in and see the children who had completed their dance lessons performances last Friday.
We have received some awesome feedback about the programme from our learners and parents. Hopefully the children are choreographing their own dances at home now. The final dance performances for the new groups will be Friday 07 December.
Our swimming programme has also continued this week with the new groups quickly adapting to their swimming lessons. Big thank you to the parents who continue to help out at swimming - we appreciate your support and could not provide these lessons without you.
Last weekend was a massive weekend for our PTA, GROW WRPS, particularly our chairperson Lee James who organised and attended the Men's Night and the Motorfest Sausage Sizzle. Thanks to everyone who supported these fund-raising initiatives. We are so excited at the prospect of the installation of much needed additional hard courts.
Finally, it is an incredibly busy time of the year as we keep the momentum going for 2018 and prepare for 2019. The great news is that due to some generous staffing from the MoE we start with the approximate number of learners we finish 2018 with, and yet we have two more whānau groups, so our teacher ratio numbers are good. The exciting challenge has been reconfiguring some of our spaces to accommodate a junior heavy school - I am very satisfied that what we have planned will meet everyone's needs.
I shall be emailing all school families a plan of our school organisation for 2019 today. We have also brought the date forward from next Friday to tomorrow for learning who your child's whānau group teacher will be for 2019, so look out for a paper copy of this.
Sadly, we farewell the following teachers and thank them for their awesome efforts at our school - Miss Hollie Stone who is moving to Lemonwood Grove School, Miss Amy Blakeman who is moving to Perth, Mrs Lauren Hills who is moving for work closer to home and Mrs Eran James who is moving to Gisborne. We wish you all well in your new endeavours.
It is with much excitement that we welcome the following new teachers to our school: Miss Rachel Pickering, Miss Madeleine Walker, Miss Nicole Davidson, Mr Kyle Seckold, Miss Sarah Kerkhofs and Mr George Harnett. Our new teachers will be visiting our school on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 December.
Ngā mihi