Hero photograph
Photo by Fiona Edwards

Polar Bears, Penguins and More!

Fiona Edwards —

Te Pa Harakeke have started some exciting new learning this term.

Te Pa Harakeke students arrived at school this term to Polar Bears, Penguins and an Antarctic information tent in their classroom. We have begun learning and exploring Antarctica and the Arctic through our theme this term.

Our senior students are learning more about Science concepts at Technology this term. Tak, from Base School, will continue to visit and support our students development in our Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP) and supporting us to learn about the importance of our health and our bodies.

We are very excited to have a new buddy class, Te Ara Whanake. Our students are so thrilled to have new friends to play alongside on a Tuesday afternoon and to make connections out in the playground. Thank you Te Ara Whanake. Check out the photos of some of our time together.

Welcome to our new teacher aide Lynette. It’s great to have you with us.