Hero photograph
Photo by Katie Talbot

Tackling Technology Presentation - Te Ara Māia

Katie Talbot —

Technology is a huge part of our lives today and it's easy to get caught up in it all, and also pretty normal to feel overwhelmed or unsure what to do sometimes...

We were lucky enough to have Rory from Attitude NZ come in and speak to our learners in Te Ara Māia about the reality of technology in our everyday lives. 

Technology is a powerful communication tool which can be utilized to create change and bring people together - it can also be used in a way that is less positive. 

Rory equipped our learners with practical skills and advice such as: 

- Nothing on the internet ever disappears

- Before I post - think - "what if my friends saw this? what if my family saw this?"

- My value has nothing to do with the number of "likes" I get online

- New Zealand introduced the "Harmful Digital Communications Act" in 2015 and the government and the police take online behaviour really seriously.

- The New Zealand Police recommend that if you are exposed to something harmful or inappropriate online you screenshot it, do not respond, and tell a trusted adult straight away. 

We love using digital technology to support our learning in Te Ara Māia but understand that alongside this privilege comes a huge responsibility to engage online in a way that builds the mana of others. This is a great conversation to have with your child at home!