Hero photograph
Photo by Sylvia Fidow

Message from the Principal

Sylvia Fidow —

Today information is being sent or emailed home regarding our final learner lead conferences for all Year 4-8 children and some children in Years 1-4.

These are a great opportunity for you to hear about your child's progress from your own child and from their teacher. Please ensure you book a time if you receive the information. Next year we will be stream-lining our reporting processes so that all Y1-8 learners receive reports and have learning conferences at the same time. We are scheduling our conferences for the middle of Term 1 once learning goals have been identified and set for the year and at the beginning of Term 3 following a mid year progress report.

I am so impressed with the opportunities provided for our children. The photos this week show a group of Year 1 and 2 learners developing miniball skills after school in our gym. What is even more awesome is that this is organised by our parents and senior learners! Thank you for your efforts. The children love it.

The children have also enjoyed the dances with schools programme. Tomorrow morning the children who have been involved so far will be performing for whānau. In two weeks time the remaining children will perform. This means that the next two assemblies will be held in the afternoon at 2.15pm. Hope to see you there tomorrow.

Finally, come on Dads, Grandads and menfolk...please support the GROW Dad's night at the Rock tomorrow night. This is an important fund-raiser for our multi-purpose courts - [tennis, basketball, netball...everyone in the community benefits!] and a great way to meet other people!

Ngā mihi
