Hero photograph
Photo by West Rolleston

Welcome back from the Admin Team

West Rolleston —

Hi Families, 

Paula and I would like to say a big welcome back to Term 2. We can't be at school in person but we wanted to let you know we are available via email: office@westrolleston.school.nz 

An update from Trish's home - There's 8 of us in my bubble, me, my husband our three older children, their partners and my mum who's in a granny flat on our property, so it's pretty full on. There's a lot of food being eaten, baking created, jobs being done and cards being played. My eldest son even turned 21 last week so that was exciting. Check out this video of my daughters goats (Sammy and Lenny) they are very cute and friendly and have kept us entertained during this break. Take Care From Trish.

An update from Paula's home - There are five of us at home, myself, my husband Neil and our three children Abi, Sam and Mikey. We have been doing lots of baking, playing board games, getting lots of jobs done around the house, spending lots of time outside in the garden and generally really enjoying our time together. Meet one of my chooks Ginger and our puppy Kora.  Take Care From Paula.

We hope you are all well in your bubbles and look forward to catching up in person when we are back on school grounds.

Take Care Trish and Paula