Goal setting conferences - 5th and 6th March

West Rolleston —

Please read below important information regarding Goal setting conferences

Dear Parents/Caregivers

On Tuesday the 5th of March and Wednesday 6th of March we are holding our goal setting conferences for all Year 1-8 learners.

A goal setting conference is a conversation between the parent, the teacher and the child and is focused on everyone understanding the learner pathway for your child. After or before your 10 minute conference with your child’s whānau teacher there is also time for your child to walk you around the learning studio and describe for you all of the different rich learning tasks he or she has been involved in.

A common thread throughout research states that children should learn how to set goals. The process of goal setting helps children become self-regulated. When children are self-regulating they can take control of their learning and become intrinsically motivated to improve.

To book your interview please go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz. Your code is wsbr6. You then need to click on your child’s whānau group teacher and choose a time slot and enter the details required. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

Your whānau group teacher will meet with you at a table in the learning studio and while this is happening other children will be sharing their learning with their parents around the different spaces.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled interview time so that your child has the time to share their learning with you or be prepared to continue with your child after the interview.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to see you child’s whānau group teacher or myself.

Kind regards

Sylvia Fidow
