Hero photograph
Photo by Sylvia Fidow

Message from the Principal

Sylvia Fidow —

It is interesting to note how life changes from one newsletter publication to the next. Thanks for your support as we have moved into Covid-19 Alert Level 2.

The key messages here have been about staying safe, regular hand washing, sanitising, staying home if you are sick and being respectful about personal space. We have noticed a decrease in parents coming onto the site as per recommendations. If you do need to come in please sign in [the NZ covid tracer app is now acceptable], avoid entering the studios and observe the recommended two metre distance rule. As you know, we sent out a survey for families so that we can be prepared if we move to Alert Level 3.

Whilst we have had to cancel assemblies, hot chocolates and postpone sporting events, we are trying to keep things as routine and normal as possible. This pandemic and the subsequent alert levels do have an effect on our community and we have noticed an increase in anxiety and tension for some of our learners.

Teachers [and office staff - can you spot Trish in the pic?] are spending lots of their own play and lunch breaks playing games with children, reiterating the importance and value in following the kōwhai rules and being as positive as ever. We are also really fortunate the Board of Trustees fund our Teaching Assistants to be out and about playing and helping during breaks too. I am continuing with one of our positive behaviour/relationship strategies of Pizza with the Principal with safe hand-washing and sanitising routines in place.

In this newsletter publication, there is an article from our Board of Trustees Chairperson, Simon. He discusses some upcoming building work we hope will be happening soon. This includes the refurbishment of our office area which requires work to make it fit for purpose for three office staff to work confidentially and store their files. This will include improvements to our health room. 

As our numbers have continued to increase in our studios, we have requested some refurbishments to create some more separate flexible spaces in each studio, while still maintaining the ability to collaborate as whānau groups. At this point the MoE have agreed to modify one learning studio. We have also requested an additional building for our current population, so any landscaping that we plan to undertake will need to consider possible locations for a prefab learning studio [if my dreams come true!].

Finally thanks to the generosity of so many families in our community who support the school and our children - these are just some recent ones, and I know there are lots of other ways people are helping:

Kiri and Dharini Kumarapaapillai - financial donation

Gareth and Leeann Irving - financial donation

Chelsea and Ivan McAuley - new mops and free use of Cool Stores for PastaVera storage

Tim and Melissa Cochrane - well-being signage

Annette Hynes and Amy Price - basketball coaching

Dan Patterson, Dan Sullivan - rugby coaching

Mike Tait - Disco DJ

Jo Burnett, Carmen Walcott-Wood, Eduardo Schuelter - traffic safety team [due to start soon]

Ngā mihi
