Sports Update
Rebecca Lambert - March 28, 2022
Hockey Lessons
All studios are having weekly hockey lessons with Canterbury Hockey. We are learning some new skills including dribbling, trapping and passing. The learners are having a lot of fun. If you child would like to join the local Waikirikiri hockey club who start players from Year 1, please see contacts below.
Contact is Ryan email Registrations here
Selwyn Sports Trust
Beth, our local sports activator from Selwyn Sports Trust, came in to work with Te Ara Whānake teachers and learners to share some new Challenge Games. Everyone enjoyed the challenge!
Lunchtime Activities
Our school yard is busy with lunchtime activities every day. Thank you to Shiny who is out at lunchtime everyday running activties with a focus on getting girls active. There has been gymnastics, hockey, volley and tee- ball just to name a few activities. It looks so much fun!
Our Year 7 and 8 Physical Activity Leaders are also out in break times running games for younger learners. We really appreciate the hard work the PALs put into this. It is so great to see such an active school yard.
Thank you to the teachers who spend lunch breaks running sports for our learners too. We regular see Capture the flag, AFL, Basketball and Netball.
Canterbury Rugby
Canterbury Rugby have been in running rugby sessions for Year 5-8 learners who have signed up. Canterbury Rugby have a focus on getting more girls into rugby. Well done to the girls who are giving it a go! There is plenty of opportunity for girls and boys rugby in Rolleston. Please be in contact if you would like to be put in touch with someone from the local club or if you would like to know more about girls rugby.
Tough Kids Fun Run
Unfortunately the weather forecast for tomorrow isn't looking favourable for our whole school Tough Kids Fun Run. So we have decided to postpone until next Friday 8th of April. We will be in touch next week if the sun is shining and the plans change. This is a popular, fun event whereby all learners participate in a fun obstacle track full of challenges. The children will be participating in their studio groups and can wear whare colours. Learners can choose to participate in the event by running, walking or competing to run as many laps as they can!
We will endeavour to take lots of photos to post of this fun event as we are still in our red setting meaning whānau are asked to not come on site please.
WRPS Timed Cross Country Run
This Thursday we are holding a timed Cross Country Run at Brooskside Park for those Year 5-8 learners that have opted in. This is a competitive run which is timed. Times will be used to select a WRPS team to compete at the Zone Cross Country scheduled for term 2.