Hero photograph
Photo by West Rolleston

Year 5-8 Ski Trip to Porters Ski field.

Megan Murray —

Once again we are looking to hold an optional ski trip for our Year 5-8 learners to Porter Ski Field on Friday 30th August, Week 6 of Term 3.

This is an optional trip and will cost approximately $80 per person that will need to be paid prior to the trip. We would be travelling by coach to Porters, departing school at 7:30am and returning by 4:30pm.

At this stage we are just trying to gauge interest so that we can confirm if this trip will go ahead or not. Please can you email Megan Murray at meganmurray@westrolleston.school.nz if you are interested in your child attending. Once we have confirmed there is enough interest then we will send out more information regarding final costs and permission.