Hero photograph
Photo by Amanda Clarkson

Math-a-thon - NEXT WEEK

Amanda Clarkson —

Keep those sponsors rolling in and make sure everyone is learning their Math facts. These have been planned as part of this terms curriculum. Prizes for the Junior and Senior who raise the most money, as well as heaps of spot prizes and the all important Fish and Chip lunch!

GROW West Rolleston Primary School have organised a child-orientated fund raiser. The purpose of the Math-a-thon is:

  • To encourage children to become better at basic facts.
  • To involve all children and the school community in a fun fundraising event.
  • All funds will be going towards much needed technology, such as robotics and iPads.

In order for this to succeed we need your support:

  • Your child will require help getting sponsorship. No child is expected to go door knocking.
  • Your child will require help and/or a reminder to learn their basic facts.

Children will be tested on their facts and the number of correct facts will be verified on the sponsorship form. 

This is now happening on Friday the 27th of March for Years 1-6 and Wednesday the 25th of March for Year 7/8  (Please note change of date)

By Wednesday 8th April: All money and sponsorship forms must be returned to school.