Hero photograph
Photo by Sylvia Fidow

Ehlers Danlos Update

Lauren Palmer —

This highly successful awareness fundraiser supporting those affected with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome was held on May 31st really represented the GROW vision and amazingly encouraging spirit of West Rolleston Primary School Community.

We were blessed to have so much support, allowing us to raise over $637 dollars for the Ehlers-Danlos Advocacy Organisation (EDAO). On the day seven presentations were held across the studios to teach children the very debilitating and often life changing effects of EDS. It was an amazing experience & journey, both heart-warming and humbling to see everyone showing their support and creativity with ‘dazzling’ costumes, zebra stripes and the excitement of hands reaching for their favourite striped zebra ribbon. 

Having my mum there even briefly before her 4th operation that year on that same day - who taught me so much, guided & encouraged me was the highlight for me. Thank you for ALL your support

Dedicated to my uncle christopher who died at 11 months of complications of EDS.