Message from the Principal
It has been so lovely to have some sunshine and to see our children playing and learning outside. This afternoon we were able to run some senior sports for zones teams that have been training hard for events which have not been held due to Covid Alert Levels.
It was great to see everyone participating with enthusiasm and a GROW attitude, even though they were just playing each other and not other schools.
We certainly felt for our year 7/8 learners who not only missed out on camp but this week did not get to go skiing due to the weather. We hope their postponement dates for these two really important events go ahead. In the last week of this term there will be a Leadership Week for our Year 7/8s. This is an annual event in which they participate in activities which foster collaboration, resiliency and leadership. We invite guest speakers in to share examples of times they have demonstrated leadership skills or leadership qualities. This could be through work, sport, or some time of community involvement. If you have a story you would like to share and would be happy to donate an hour of your time to speak to this awesome group of 95 learners please do not hesitate to contact myself or Megan Murray.
Tomorrow is a Staff Only Day. Our teaching staff will be completing assessments, moderating data and planning. Our support staff will have time working on our Positive Behaviour Plan which teachers have been modifying during after school professional learning meetings. With some of the improvements we have made we are working hard to ensure our understanding of the plan and the way we apply it is consistent across the school.
We have also applied to the Ministry of Education to participate in a 10 year programme called Positive Behaviour For Learning or PB4L. PB4L represents a major shift in managing disruptive behaviour by learners in our education system. Positive behaviour is a prerequisite to improving the engagement and achievement of our children and young people. Positive behaviour can be learnt.
We thank you for your support in teaching our children the kōwhai rules and what this looks, sounds and feels like if they are following them. We are being more explicit in explaining to our learners what the consequences are if they do not follow the Kōwhai rules. Today I had 28 learners enjoying Pizza with the Principal and they were all able to describe the great choices they had been making at school which enabled their names to go in the draw.
Finally, congratulations to Mrs Caitlyn Tinnelly who will be taking some leave next year for the birth of her second child.
Ngā mihi