GROW update

Kylie Drake —

What does a trailer-load of wood, a scenic train ride and a tattoo parlour have in common? GROW

It's been a big week for GROW. Yesterday GROW hosted their very first hot chocolate for the Winter. Thanks to all those who contributed to make this happen for our kids, especially Jo Burnett. And on Monday night GROW held our second committee meeting of the term. It was really exciting to get updates on everyone's projects and to see the amazing efforts our team is putting into making West Rolleston Primary School the absolute best it can be.

I'm pleased to say that we gave the green light to Andy Benn and Nicole Richards to proceed with Stage 1 of the junior playground upgrades. These will hopefully begin over the school holidays. 

As part of the upgrades, we're hoping to put an astroturf playing surface under the eaves between Te Kete Kakano and the library entrance. This all weather playing surface will be protected from the elements and soft on the knees, giving our youngest learners an additional versatile area to learn and play. This area will cost in the vicinty of $15,000, so we're not done fundraising yet. Our quiz night fundraiser is now sold out - 20 teams of 6 - an amazing turnout! Some teams still have spots left, so get in touch with Nicole Richards or Joe Sefton if you'd like to join the fun. Some of the prizes they have arranged to raffle on the night are outstanding! And I have my eye on the "Men's raffle" prize which was donated by Mitre 10 Mega Hornby.

Can't come? You can still be part of the action. Buy a raffle ticket for one of these three great prizes:

Image by: Kylie Drake
Image by: Kylie Drake
Image by: Kylie Drake


Kylie, GROW Chairperson