Hero photograph
Photo by Sylvia Fidow

Message from the Principal

Sylvia Fidow —

Welcome to all of our new Y1 learners starting in Te Kete Kākano and we have approximately five new learners who have started with us across the school as well. We hope you enjoy being part of our school community. These are certainly strange times for our five year old children to be starting school or to be starting in a new school.

In some ways it reminds me of life after the 2010 and 2011 Earthquakes, when schools were closed for a considerable amount of time. Today I am really grateful [whakawhetai] that we are now able to offer such a diverse platform of on-line learning for our children to access. I am also grateful that all of our homes have power so that we can use these devices, and for the new TV channel the Government have launched. 

I have received really lovely feedback from many of our families about the google learning site we have built and shared with you. The video messages from teachers and support staff  have been really well received:) Thanks for taking the time to respond back to staff so we know how we can support you best. 

This week I am also proud to say we have delivered over 50 school owned devices to learners in their homes so they can access learning as well. Thanks to Tori Burbery and NZ Couriers for your support with this process.

Our consistent message to families during this lockdown period has been that expectations in each household will differ according to the needs of each bubble, so please be kind to yourselves as adults and manage in the best way that you can. As a parent I am trying to be patient as my son constantly tries to negotiate additional device time! 

Sadly, this term we say farewell Mrs Mary Skilton from her role in the office, but she will remain connected to our school community and we will say farewell to her properly when school re-opens. 

Finally, I would like to acknowledge so many of our parents who are essential workers and go out to work each day. THANK YOU for all that you are doing.

Ngā mihi nui
