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West Rolleston Primary School

Newsletter - Term 4 Week 8, Thursday 6th December 2018


Message from the Principal

by Sylvia Fidow

I was delighted to hear from our parents that the team representing our school and zone at the Canterbury Athletics finals were amazing in terms of their behaviour, support of each other and efforts.

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by West Rolleston

In term 1 & 4 black bucket hats are a compulsory uniform item and need to be worn every day when outside during play time, lunch time and for outside of the classroom activities.

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School Docs Term 4 Policy Review

by Megan Murray

This term, we have three policies due for review. Improving Educational Outcomes for Maori, Religious Instruction and Harassment. Parents are invited to read these and provide feedback.

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School Accounts

by West Rolleston

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Morning Tea

by West Rolleston

Please join us for a special morning tea to say thank you for everyone's help and support during the year. This will be held in the library from 11am to 11.30am on Thursday 13th December - All Welcome

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Selection of lost property

by West Rolleston

We have lots of lost property including shoes, jackets, hats and odds and sods. Can you please come and have a look to see if anything belongs to your child or children. We have an odd sorts box of trinkets at the office - all of which has been handed in over the last couple of weeks. If you think anything may be yours, please come and have a look. We will be making regular trips to the Salvation Army this term to donate any items that are not claimed.

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2019 Weetbix Tryathalon

by West Rolleston

Entries are now open for the 2019 Christchurch Weetbix Tryathlon.

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Absences - Please call or email office

by West Rolleston

If your child is unwell or is going on holiday can you please either email, call the office or use the new school APP to advise us - or 3590952 - Thank you.

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School Notices

by West Rolleston

Please find below important school notices

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