Enrolments & New Entrants


We accept learners who live inside our enrollment zone only. Please complete an online enrolment form found on our website and email the office with the required paperwork. Our office staff will send you a confirmation email advising they have received your application and the next steps. 

New Entrants

Starting school is an important time in a child’s life. Rather than a one-off event, transition is a process where children settle into learning. Children and families experience it in their own way and in their own time. When children start school, they experience changes in:

  • How they’re expected to learn, behave and spend their time

  • Relationships

  • Teaching approach

  • Their environment and space

  • What they learn

Helping children to have positive and rewarding experiences as they move from early childhood education to school sets them confidently on a continuous pathway of learning.

New entrant five year olds are encouraged to visit school before enrolment to ensure a smooth transition to school. We have a cohort entry which means there are two intakes per term. One at the beginning of each term, and the other one at the start of week 6 each term. The Deputy Principal will arrange visits with you.

The purpose of pre-school visits is for both child and parent/s to become familiar with the school environment. They give the child the opportunity to develop a rapport with his/her teacher, socialise with their peers and get a feel as to what school is all about. It is also a good time to become familiar with the routines within the classroom and the surroundings of the school eg: playground, toilets, library, where you eat your lunch etc.

We want to make the transition to school as smooth as possible for both the child and their parents. We realise that all children are different and some may need more parental support than others. Your child may experience a variety of emotions when starting school. These could be: excitement, enjoyment, confusion, tiredness etc. Keep expectations realistic and encourage confidence. Your positive attitude helps your child's adjustment.

Tips for preparing your child for school

  • It would be helpful if your child could:

  • Write his/her name or recognise it. 

  • Listen to a story and talk about it. The greatest preparation a child can have for reading/writing learning is book experience. 

  • Recognise some letters, possibly at least those in their own name. 

  • Handle pencils/crayons. Be able to draw a simple picture. 

  • Take their shoes and jacket on/off.

  • Recognise colours by name. 

  • Count to ten. 

  • Use scissors to cut simple shapes from paper. 

  • Recognise basic shapes. 

  • Be able to express their needs to the teacher. 

  • Be independent when using the toilet.

  • Pack and unpack their school bags.

Please remember that all children start at different levels and it is important not to compare your child with someone else.