Winter uniform change
Last year the Board of Trustees was asked to consider allowing girls to choose whether to wear a tartan skirt or a tartan pinafore during winter, regardless of their year level. At present only Years 7&8 students have the choice of a skirt instead of a pinafore.
Children come in all shapes and sizes and the board is happy to make this change to ensure all students feel comfortable. To assist with the change, a tartan culotte will be introduced to the uniform. The culotte will be made of poly-viscose rather than wool, which will allow easier washing, and will also be cheaper than the pinafore.
Our supplier, Mainland Uniforms, is unable to source fabric for the culotte in time for this winter but will have these available for next year. If you're considering purchasing culottes in 2020 you may wish to either purchase second-hand in the meantime or to hold off until next year.
Alongside this change the board will discontinue white stockings & over-the-knee socks from the winter uniform. From next winter, navy stockings & over-the-knee socks will be the only winter option to be worn with the pinafore, skirt or culotte.
The board appreciates that some families will have white stockings / over-the-knee socks which still fit their child. We are happy for these to be worn throughout this winter as we implement the change.
To confirm:
From this winter girls at all levels of the school can choose to wear a tartan pinafore or a tartan skirt. Both white and navy tights & over-the-knee socks can be worn with these items.
From next winter girls at all levels of the school can choose to wear a tartan pinafore, a tartan skirt or tartan culottes. Navy tights & over-the-knee socks will be the only option to be worn with these items.