Creating an imaginary creature
Ella from room 21 created the "Dorfish", an imaginary creature. She developed her thoughts by using a plan first and then shaped her ideas into a great piece of descriptive writing. Ella has been at Westburn for 1 year.
The Dorfish by Ella Zhang
The dorfish's body is black and white and a little bit blue. His body is also really fluffy just like a dog and it is really warm. His swirly orange and white tail can help him to swim faster than anything. He has four eyes and they are kind of scary. The eyes look like jewelry. He doesn't have wings but he can still fly. He can fly in the sky and make a slashing sound. He can sing and dance and talk. He is as big as a country. Dorfish are the fastest runners in the world. A dorfish's ears are white and the inside of their ears are so orange that they look like a carrot. His ears can hear everything. When the dorfish makes a sound, it sounds like "CKWIK! CKWIK" just like a kiwi bird. He can also shout so loud that everyone in the world will hear him, even if you were up in space. He likes to eat carrots, dog food, fish food and cat food. Why does he eat this food? It is because he has rabbit ears, a dog's body and feet, a fish's tail and a cat's whiskers. Dorfish can walk anywhere. If he walks on fire, he will not die and he will never die! Dorfish don't bite people but if you say something bad, then he will bite you. He won't bite you if you are his friend.