Alternative Olympics
Team 1 and 2 had their own version of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. We played versions of Olympic events. Serena recounts her experience.
On Wednesday, Team One and Two organised an Olympics... except it was an Alternative Olympics! An Alternative Olympics was mostly like the real Olympic Games but where we pretended to do the Olympics.
First we gathered together on the court for the Opening Ceremony. I was so excited. I always wanted to be at the Olympics. Teachers helped some children light the candles. Then they held the candles together to light the Olympic Torch. Mr Harding marched up to the front like a real soldier. He lifted the first flag which represents where the Olympics is hosted. Obviously it was Westburn. The next flag was raised. It had five rings on it - the Olympic Flag. Everyone burst into applause.
We all lined up in our groups to go to our first activity. My group went to surfing. We had to balance beanbags on our head and walk zigzags through the cones. Although I dropped it a few times, I still had an awesome time. Next was rugby, but with coins! I failed so many times, but that still didn't stop me from having fun. Last but not least was basketball. We all had to throw the table tennis balls into the container. We also could choose which line to step on to throw the ball. Before Roy's little sister could throw her ball, it rolled outside. I felt really sad for her because I saw her waiting so patiently in the line. I wasn't going to stand still and watch her get the ball. Instead I offered to give my ball to her.
We lined up again to go the court for the Closing Ceremony. Once the flags were down and the torch was extinguished, everyone let out an "awwwww!" That was the end of the Olympics.
My favourite part was not the games, it was actually being able to help someone.