Hero photograph
Prathiyuksha and Prathikram working together to programme the Bee-Bot to reach their chosen destination.
Photo by Rachel Batchelor

Programming Bee-Bots in Room 18

Rachel Batchelor —

In Room 18 we have been learning how to programme Bee-Bots. A Bee-Bot is an easy to use robot designed to support children in learning programming skills and applying computational thinking.

First, we learnt about directions and how these can be represented using arrows. Next, we began writing algorithms on our whiteboards using arrows. An algorithm is a set of instructions to follow in order to solve a problem. Using this knowledge, we began writing algorithms for the Bee-Bot to follow to get from the ‘start’ square to a shape of our choice. Our last step was to programme the Bee-Bots by inputting our algorithms using the directional buttons.

The students have loved working together to problem-solve and programme the Bee-Bots to move around the mat. Programming encourages communication, perseverance, co-operation as well as the development of mathematical concepts. It is also a lot of fun!