Hero photograph
Photo by Tina Meyer


Tina Meyer —

Last week the Year 4 students took to the stage to perform ‘Made of Stars’.

The production was written and directed by Miss Oates and the story followed four different Westburn students as they consider signing up to audition for a role as a writer, actor, dancer or costume designer. The enduring messages were to be who you want to be and to give things a go.

Despite it being her first time performing on the stage, Ruta Fishale said she was too excited to be nervous! Jack Batchelor’s favourite part was dancing to ‘The Gumboot Song’, while the highlight for Miss Oates was the children performing ‘I Believe’ at the end because “everyone was participating, they were happy and giving it their all”.

The Year 4 students conducted themselves brilliantly and can be very proud of the way they performed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and to celebrate their success.

Written by Elliotte and Pippa from the media team with support from Ms Meyer