Hero photograph
Photo by Susan Jennison

Beginning the term with 'thank you'

Susan Jennison —

The end of last term was a blur of activity as the school continued to function alongside a very busy period in our school-wide refurbishment. There are a number of activities and events that took place last term for which we need to extend our thanks.

WSCA Spellathon

Our fabulous WSCA team planned, distributed and collected our Spellathon, providing both a boost for our students' learning and a fabulous fundraiser for our school.

WSCA spellathon — Image by: Vicki Smith

WSCA's plan was to raise funds for the enhancement of our outdoor areas and thanks to the work of the committee and the efforts of our students and parents, nearly $12,000 was raised for this purpose.

This is a fabulous result that will contribute to making our school an attractive place to be. Thank you to everyone who played a part.

Art Gallery Fundraiser

Brad Meads was the inspiration and driver of this event, ably supported by our Student Council and parents & teachers. The idea was to raise funds for two aspects of school-life. Brad hoped to raise $2000 to pay for the badges that our senior students receive for undertaking leadership roles & achieving school honours, and also to replace the wet day games available in classes.

Image by: Susan Jennison

The event raised more than $4,000 which will cover the $2000 annual cost of badges and still provide some bright, new and enticing games for students to play on wet days.

Thank you to Brad and to everyone else who assisted in making this a successful event.

Building progress

Our construction teams were able to make significant progress during the break, which you will have seen on your return to school last week. The pace of this work was only possible thanks to you, who played in other spots during the holidays, allowing our grounds to be a building site. 

Thank you for partnering with us to allow the building work to continue at pace.