Jane Brown — Mar 19, 2019

We have been creating 'help desks' in our classrooms. Students can add their name if they would like help, or if they can give help with learning about digital technology.

Our team have been exploring the coding programme 'Scratch'. We are all getting so excited as we learn from each other and teach each other- what a great way to learn. Here are some highlights from today...

"I taught Dylan how to spin his sprite in different directions." Mary.

" I learned how to put a custom background in. Austin taught me." Lawrence

" I taught Mary how to make magic letters today." Cleo

" I learned how to make the sprite change colours. Zoe taught me." Angela

"I taught Angelo how to make the sprite change size." Romy

" Brooke taught me how to move my character around in a circle." Lucia

" Mary taught me how to do spinning letters and Zoe taught me to make a chasing game today." Cleo

" I taught Zoe how to make your own sound." Angela