PB4L- Positive Behaviour for Learning by Sam Pricolo
Sam Pricolo — August 2, 2021
These are the two goals we will be focusing on for Weeks 3 & 4 (the next two weeks) of this term:
Week 3
We move safely and carefully around the school (school value: Respect).
The winter terms mean that there will be times when running outside can be unsafe (due to wet grass or frosty conditions). We want to encourage children to think carefully about how they are going to move from one part of the school to another.
Week 4
We represent our school in a positive way (school value: Respect).
This is particularly important when we meet as a whole school for events such as our assemblies. There are a number of activities that require us to go off-site, such as winter sports and swimming. We want to encourage the children to think about how they can represent Westburn in a positive way when out in the community and during whole school or team events.
You can help your children with these goals by;
Talking about the weather conditions and what that means for when they are moving around outside
Noticing when the red flags are on the grass and having a discussion about the reasons as to why they are not allowed on the grass
Having a discussion about the things that they could do to represent Westburn in a positive way when off-site (e.g., using manners, sitting sensibly on the bus, following the instruction given)