Westland High School — Sep 17, 2020

The Westland High School student Soroptimist group are very active around the school, working on important social issues of concern.

This year the Westland High School Soroptimist student group was formed. The group are supported by the Soroptimist International Westland group. 

The group meet each week to discuss items they feel they can help raise awareness of, support, promote and educate on. The focus is Action, Advocacy and Awareness. 

Currently they are working towards being chartered as a club. There is a strong possibility they will become the first student Soroptimist club in the Federation (the federation is the over arching Soroptimist body for the world), but they need to get in ahead of Hobart - Australia who are also working towards this. What a great achievement that would be!

So far this year they have organised; a mufti day for Pride Day, encouraging us all to be inclusive, and welcoming of all communities, a Daffodil day art competition raising awareness of families and individuals affected by cancer and next week will be promoting Mental Health awareness week (see attached flyers created by Bless Groome). 

Next term their focus will be on Environmental initiatives and concerns. Well done WHS Soroptimists, it's great to see so many students embodying all of our school values through their mahi.