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Photo by Unknown

Open evening

Westland High School —

On the 3rd of June our school will host it's annual Open evening for new students.

Each year Westland High School hosts an 'Open evening' to show case subjects and facilities, and offer new students and families the chance to ask any questions they may have.

This is one of many opportunities we offer to help with a smooth transition to Westland High School. 

This year the event will take place on the 3rd of June at 5.30pm, starting in the school Library. Flyers with more information will be sent out to schools and posted on social media.

Other transition opportunities offered:

Enrolment week - September. The Principal and Academic Pastoral Leader visit each school to conduct new student and whanau conferences. Enrolment forms are filled out and information gathered from these conferences enable staff to make the best class allocation that will suit your young person and whanau.

Orientation day - November. This is a day for all new students coming to Westland High School in 2022, to experience a day in their new class for the following year and life at Westland High. 

Nau mai (Welcome magazine) - November. The digital magazine, Nau Mai, is sent out to all new students confirming their class allocation for the next year. It is packed with information on facilities, the start of year dates and processes, teacher intro's and more.

If you have any concerns about your young person transitioning to Westland High School, or you feel they need further transition opportunities, please contact the Westland High school office, the RTLB's or speak to your child's current Primary school. We are happy to facilitate further transition strategies and often have visits from potential new students.