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Westland High School student online lesson etiquette

Westland High School —

All students are expected to follow the school online etiquette. Some teachers may have extra additions to this etiquette that relates to learning while in their class only. They will share these with you if they do.

Reminders and Expectations

  • Arrival to class - Be at class 2 - 5 minutes before start time
  • On arrival - Say hello. Mute sound and write hello in the chat box
  • Sign in - Sign in (teacher will direct you to the sign in form link)
  • Computer camera is on - Your camera is on at all times during the lesson unless teacher requests for it to be turned off
  • Hand up - If you want to ask a question or if you are answering a question
  • Questions in chat box - If it is not timely to put your hand up to ask a question, write in the chat box
  • Rewindable learning - The teacher may record the lesson. Students do not record any part of any lessons
  • Cell phones - No cell phones out during the online lesson
  • Staying in the lesson - Lessons are 50 minutes long unless it is a double period - do not leave the lesson
  • Drinking during the lesson - Have a drink handy during the lesson - make sure that you eat before the lesson starts