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Careers update

Mrs C. Weepu - Careers advisor —

Lets bust some careers myths.

The Westland High School Careers Team focuses on individual career pathways that inspire, encourage and enable all students to develop the skills to become resilient, confident, connected and actively involved in lifelong learning. Programmes are developed and implemented both in the Junior and Senior classes to encourage students to develop a sense of a potential career pathway.

From talking to many (many!) young people looking at their career options over the past few decades, we have come to realise that there are a number of misconceptions out there that are worth addressing

True or False?

1. By the time you leave school you should know what you want to do for a career.


Career decision-making is lifelong. The ideas that we have as youth are often just a starting point, or might be based on ideals and expectations that don’t necessarily translate into a lasting career.

You may need more time to build your career identity and figure out where your place is – and that is okay.

Expect and embrace changes along the way and remember that your career might take time to shape – all of this is normal.

2. Individuals will have six or seven careers or more in their lifetime.


Everybody has one career. Career is a combination of work and life roles including paid/unpaid work and activities you enjoy. The kind of work that you do may change, but the journey you are on is lifelong.

3. If you follow your passion you can’t go wrong.


It depends on what your passion is! Two important questions about your career are: “Who am I becoming now?” and “Who do I want to become?”

Think about who you are becoming now and ask yourself:

· Is this who I want to become?

· What do I truly value, what interests me and what are my strengths; what drives, excites, and inspires me, what frustrates me? What do I admire in others?

Your answers will hint at the person you want to become.

· What are the things I need to do to understand myself better and become the person I want to be?

· Whom can I ask if I am unsure? Who can I bounce ideas off that I trust?

4. Your whānau teacher, APL or Careers team will be able to help you.


Talk to your whānau teacher, APL or school careers advisor if you feel like you are at a crossroads or need some clarity


The latest suite of publications focuses on UC's seven different academic areas, and introduces the degrees and subjects you can study after secondary school, as well as the unique aspects of the programmes and resources within each area. If you have a clear passion for certain subjects, or have a particular career goal in mind, these publications could help you make your decision. Copies are available at our school library and specific subject classes.

University of Canterbury guided campus tour

UC encourages potential students and their whānau to visit our attractive and welcoming campus.

Rā Tōmene | UC Open Day on 9 September is the best opportunity to see our vibrant campus, but if you can’t attend on this date, you can book a guided campus tour instead.

Guided campus tours visit the library, bookshop, lecture theatres, the recreation centre, student social and study spaces, and some of our fantastic new learning facilities.

Campus tours are scheduled on most Fridays during term time. At other times, you are welcome to take a self-guided campus tour. Campus tours start at 10am sharp.

Good footwear, weather suitable clothing and snacks help for an enjoyable tour.

Book your campus tour here

Massey University

The Massey University College of Creative Arts has a student Experience Day on Wednesday 28th April, on campus in Wellington. There will be two Experience Days during the year, the next one being on the 8th June (registrations for that one will open in May).


Experience Day is a one-day on-campus experience where students can choose ONE workshop from design, fine arts, film or music. The purpose is to introduce students to the CoCA campus and allow students to engage with the act of making, see the facilities and meet the staff.

Target Audience

Year 12 and 13 high school students interested in art, design, film, and music.

How to register and schedule

Students are asked to register through Eventbrite https://experiencedaycoca.eventbrite.co.nz/?aff=web

The schedule is also on the Eventbrite listing.

Registrations close on 21 April.

Spaces are limited to approximately 20 per workshop.

Accommodation tours and portfolio reviews will be available at the end of the day.

Otago University Law

Meet our fantastic law lecturers and hear about studying law at Otago!

We are touring New Zealand to talk about the Otago law degree and the great and varied career opportunities it offers to everyone who takes up the degree. You’ll learn what a Law degree involves and why it’s a great choice for university study. Law is training for life! Practical examples of how we teach the law will also feature in the session.

The career events are targeted to Tear 12 and 13 students, and run for one to two hours. We also invite parents to attend.

If you would like to register: individual students can fill in the survey found on the above web-page.

Please check our web-page for more details Law @ Otago Events

Tertiary Open Days in 2021

Thur 22 April UC Possibilities – Discover the Bachelor of Arts – register

Sun 23 & Mon 24 May Dunedin Tertiary Open Days(Uni of Otago and Otago Polytechnic)

Thu 10 June, 3-6pm Ara (Christchurch Polytechnic) + lots of specific info sessions & taster days during the year

Fri 23 July Lincoln University (last day of July hols)

30 & 31 July Massey University + VIRTUAL Open Days ONLINE

Fri 21 May University of Waikato Open Day – + Virtual OD 2020 recordings

Fri 20 August Victoria University of Wellington & Massey (Wellington)

Fri 20 August Massey University (Auckland) Campus Taster Day

Sat 28 August University of Auckland and AUT Live tbc

Wed 4 September Massey University (Manawatu) Campus Taster Day

Thurs 9 September University of Canterbury

Register to attend online and you will join the mailing list for the programme/s when available.