Hero photograph
Photo by Ms Brownie

From the desk of the Deputy Principal Academic

Mrs Reeves - Deputy Principal Academic —

What a busy start to the year!

As you may have already read in the newsletter - the results for NCEA 2022 are very pleasing.

This sets a high benchmark for our current senior students and after visiting ‘Inspire to Aspire’ on Wednesday 15th, it is hoped that all students are more aware of the importance of working to their academic potential while still at school.

The wrap around provided for learners in the school environments is superb and unique to the secondary setting. When students go onto tertiary study - be it open polytech, an apprenticeship or university; successful learning demands good self-management!

The common mantra for high school is attend - engage - achieve. When our rangatahi are able to emulate this, their academic success and personal well-being are enhanced.

As week four draws to a close students should be settled into learning. However, as always if you have any concerns please make contact. Whānau teachers are available to talk with, as are the class teachers.

On behalf of Westland High School, I look forward to all of our rangatahi have a safe, successful and enjoyable year.

Hei konā mai
Adrienne Reeves
Deputy Principal Academic