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Toki Pounamu - Chromebooks

Mrs A. Reeves - Deputy Principal —

This message is a reminder that all students in Years’ 7 - 11 should have their own chromebook at school charged and ready for learning.

Westland High School is part of the Toki Pounamu cluster. The cluster comprises thirteen schools on the West Coast of the South Island of Aotearoa, New Zealand.

The positive benefits of being a member of the cluster include digital enablement (1:1 Chromebooks), access to intensive professional development for digital immersion, and the Learn, Create, Share pedagogy. The priority goal is to raise student achievement, particularly in writing and mathematics. You can find out more about Toki Pounamu via our school website www.westlandhigh.school.nz/home/our-school/toki-pounamu.

A requirement of being in the trust is that all students have their own device. Westland High School require students in Year 7 - 11 to have their own chromebook. Chromebooks have a life of approximately 5 years, and often senior students prefer to upgrade to a larger computer in preparation for tertiary studies.

Students in the junior school, and those new to Westland High can purchase a Chromebook through the Toki Pounamu Trust. The school office organises this and they can explain the cost and payment plans. A chromebook purchased through the trust and Westland High School includes: Acer Chromebook | Carry case | Charger | Insurance | 3 year warranty.

For more information or to purchase a chromebook please talk to the school office.