Hero photograph
Photo by Westland High School

Parent portal

Westland High SChool —

Did you know you can view your child's attendance, academic transcript, timetable, notices, etc.... through the parent portal?

The Parent Portal gives you access to all the information regarding your child at school i.e. academic transcripts, timetables, notices, attendance, financial account, etc…. 

Image by: Westland High School

You can access the Parent Portal through the school website www.westlandhigh.school.nz, click on Intranet and then Parent portal at the top of the page, this will take you to the following page

Image by: Westland High School

Enter username, this will be your child's username and is usually their first initial with an underscore_ and then their last name (all lowercase). Enter YOUR password (you must not use the student password). 

Remember to log out once you have finished accessing it. Each parent has a separate password allocated to them. 

Please contact your child’s whānau teacher or the school office for your password.