Hero photograph
Photo by Unknown

Student led conferences

Westland High School —

On Tuesday 18th May, 9am to 5pm, The Junior school and the Bilingual class Year 7's to 10's have student led conferences.

On Tuesday 18th May, 9am to 5pm, The Junior school and the Bilingual class Year 7's to 10's have student led conferences. This is also a Teacher Only day so there is no school for all students. Middle school and Senior school conferences are scheduled for later in the term and can be seen on the school calendar, via the parent portal.

These Conferences are an important opportunity to discuss any concerns parents or students may have regarding their subjects with their Homeroom teachers (Junior School). All students must attend the conference with their parents as they will be leading them.

To book a conference time go to https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code?code=yab67 and enter the code yab67

The booking website will close the Tuesday morning before the interviews. If you are unable to book online then please phone the school office and Judith or Brooke will assist you.