Mr P. Brailsford - Deputy Principal — Aug 3, 2021

Students at Westland High School are encouraged to do the right thing, being polite and respectful of others and their property. Demonstrating tikanga by encouraging others to do the right thing, uphold the mana of themselves and others.

Our school values guide students to the behaviour and expectations we have for all.

From time to time, some of our students struggle with meeting the school’s expectations and we use a number of strategies and tools to support those students to be able to regulate their own behaviour.

Two of strategies we use to support positive behaviour are: Referral to time out and Daily report

Referral to time out of class

Students who are struggling to appropriately manage their behaviour and become disruptive of others can be referred to time out. Before that happens, the student will have been given the opportunity to behave appropriately and engage with their learning.

If the staff interventions are unsuccessful then the student is referred. They are sent to the Office, complete their Referral Sheet that they are given and have an opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and the changes that need to occur. They are often taken to another class for that period.

The teacher will enter brief details of the incident in Kamar, and will let the Office and the parents/ caregivers know about the incident. The student is expected to get the Referral Sheet signed by parents and caregivers.

Before the student returns to class they are expected to have a restorative conversation with the teacher who referred them and their Whānau teacher. The aim of the restorative conversation is to reach agreement about the behaviours and expectations that will allow learning and engagement to occur.

Daily Report

The Daily Report is a check in and connect tool that requires the student to get each period. Staff are encouraged to acknowledge good efforts and positive behaviours on the card. The Daily Report is intended to support and encourage positive behaviours. Parents as well as the APL or DP also need to sign-off the cards daily. The students are responsible for getting the Daily Report signed. The duration of a Daily Report is determined by circumstance and by the needs of the student for support.

Restorative conversations

Restorative conversations are an important element in the positive behaviour strategies of Westland High School. It is an opportunity to tell the story of what has happened, to explore the harm that it has caused, find ways of repairing that harm, and to establish what needs to be done to move forward in a positive way.

He iti hau marangi e tū te pāhokhoka
Just like a rainbow after the storm, success follows failure.

It is the hope of the school that behaviour matters can be addressed and learning can resume. An respectful and effective relationship between the student; the parents, caregivers and whānau; and the school is vitally important in successful outcomes for our students. Please be in contact if you have any questions or concerns. We want our students to be experiencing success together.

Serious breaches of behaviour

Serious breaches of behaviour may necessitate either a stand down (of up to five days) or extreme cases, suspension which involves a Board hearing.