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Westmere School | Te Rehu

by Julie Lynch


Westmere School|Te Rehu - July 19, 2019

For further information on enrolment including forms, Westmere School zone map and out of zone ballots and priorities.

Children who reside in the Westmere School zone are entitled to enrol in this school. Please find a map at the bottom of the page of the Westmere School Zone.


If you intend for your child to attend Westmere School we ask that you complete this online enrolment form. This will help us to plan ahead for your child's transition to school. If your child does not yet attend a childcare facility when you complete this form you can email our office at to advise us of the centre your child attends once they start. 

The following documents must be presented with your enrolment form:

  • Copy of your child's birth certificate or passport

  • Address verification document e.g., rates, rental agreement etc.

Ngā Uri O Ngā Iwi (NUONI): Bilingual and Immersion Unit

NUONI differs in some fundamental respects from other pedagogical models of Māori medium education. The rationale for our approach has evolved from the specific learning needs, the realities of our urban students, and the expectation that they will leave primary school equipped with the literacy and numeracy skills required to succeed at whichever Intermediate and Secondary they attend. In Auckland, there are currently fewer immersion Māori options at these next levels.

The NUONI enrolment policy requires students to have attended kohanga or puna reo for two years or to live within a whānau where te reo Māori is spoken. This ensures that New Entrant students will not feel disorientated by the practice of tikanga and will use spoken Māori within the classroom environment.

To apply for a place in Ngā Uri o Ngā Iwi please complete the school enrolment form above. A meeting will then be organised with your whānau and Maxine, leader of NUONI.

For more information about Ngā Uri o Ngā Iwi please follow this link.

Transfers from Another School

If you move into our zone and your child is transferring from another school, please contact the office directly on 09 361 0014 and ask for the Enrolments Officer or email

Information for Out-of-Zone Ballots

Ballot dates are set by the Ministry of Education, usually in April and September each year. There are sometimes out-of-zone places available throughout the year if not all places are taken up in September. For any inquiries regarding out-of-zone enrolments please contact the office directly on 09 361 0014 and ask for the Enrolments officer or email

Out-of-Zone Ballots

Enrolment at the school is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office.

There will be some places available for 2025. 

Please complete the application below as early as possible. You are able to indicate on the form that it is an out-of-zone application.

Applications for 2025 close on 15th October 2024. Applications received after this date will be allocated a place if not all spaces have been filled or placed on a waitlist.

Westmere School Priorities

  • First Priority must be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in the following special programme(s) run by the school and approved by the Secretary of Education: Ngā Uri o Ngā Iwi.

  • Second Priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.

  • Third Priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.

  • Fourth Priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.

  • Fifth Priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.

  • Sixth Priority must be given to all other applicants.

Your application form will be submitted into the ballot closest to the draw where your child would be starting school. You will be contacted by the school office with confirmed draw dates, closer to the time.

On the appointed day, the ballot is conducted by a solicitor. A letter will be sent to all applicants within 5 working days of the ballot draw as to the outcome.

For any queries please contact the school office 09 361 0014 and ask for the Enrolments Officer or email