Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Lynch


Westmere School —

Voluntary Development Fund

In 2011 we established a Voluntary Development Fund to give families the opportunity to contribute to our Rapid Development Project. Suggested amounts include $50, $100, $500, $1000 or any amount you may choose to contribute. Like the school donation, contributions are entirely voluntary.

This money contributed to a major landscaping and seating plan to sit alongside the school's re-development and to enhance play and shade areas for our children, covered court, P.E. shed and shade areas. Most recently it has supported the re-development of our new senior playground and basketball courts.

We are now developing projects to improve air quality in studios, our gardens (including a memorial garden Julie-Ann True who was a much-loved teacher who passed away in 2021), our nature trail and gardens.


One of the focus areas of our school is Working Together | Mahitahi to develop a culture of openness between and within the community, and a school where effective partnerships enhance learning and opportunities for all.

Volunteering is a great way that you can contribute to this shared school value. Your contribution in the smallest ways can make a huge difference to what we can achieve to promote better learning opportunities and effective partnerships between home and school. It is also a great way to understand how schools operate today and support your child's development through school.

There are many ways you can be involved:

  • Studio parent help - see one of the teachers in your child's Studio

  • Parent reading programme (look under 'P' for parent reading)

  • Westmere School Supporters events (Westmere School Supporters send out a regular update with how you can help)

  • Supporting fundraising initiatives and assisting the school apply for grants

  • Waka Waewae (walking school bus) parent helpers and co-ordinators

  • Road Patrol

  • Donating new or used items that can be utilised by the school

  • Sharing special skills, e.g. music, art, coaching and managing sports teams

  • Participating in working and planting bee. Notifications for these days will be sent out via the school newsletters

Please contact us if you would like to contribute. The school newsletter and Westmere School Supporters newsletters often highlight ways you can be involved.

Wet Day Monitors

During wet playtimes and wet lunch times our Year 6 monitors are assigned to classrooms to support the children by helping them with their lunch and morning tea and playing games with them. The duty teachers are also on duty to support children.

WSS - Westmere School Supporters

Anyone who supports Westmere School! This can be coming to events, helping in the Studios, coming on trips or baking for the cake stall.

Everyone is welcome to come to the WSS meetings. Please check our school newsletter for details.

Zebra Crossing/ Road Patrol

Our local community constable is concerned about the number of parents parking on broken yellow lines or over driveways when they drop children off at school. She will issue a ticket for these offences. Please park further down Garnet Road or on side roads and children can walk up to school. This will also give the road patrollers better visibility at the crossing, thus further ensuring your children are safe on their way to and from school. We urge parents crossing on Larchwood Avenue to use the controlled crossing. As children get older and start coming to school alone it is vital that they have good road sense and know where the safe places to cross are.