Middle School Update
It is Term Three already! The year is flying by. Read on to find out what has been happening within Studio 4, 5 and 6.
Our studios have had a settled start to the term. It is wonderful to see so many of our children involved in extra-curricular sports, in particular, netball and basketball. As a Middle School, we have been fortunate to have booked Sport Auckland to return to school in a couple of weeks, they will be teaching our children boxing skills starting in Week 5.
Guided by the wonderful Bindy, the Middle School has been learning a variety of different invasion games. These games are played in small teams (4v4 or 5v5) and focus on fun, challenge and success. They involve a range of equipment and skills that are transferred week to week. Ask your child what their favourite game has been!
Swimming - Save the Date
The Middle School children will be having swimming lessons again at the Olympic Pool this term. They will be held Monday to Friday. As with previous years, we require parent help travelling to and from the pool, as well as a helper or two in the changing rooms. Further information will be sent out in the Week 6 Studio Update, with finalised studio time slots.
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 and having to shift swimming dates, we are now unable to hold Middle School Swimming Sports. Fingers crossed for next year!
Dates: Week 9 (14-18 September) LS4. Week 10 (21-25 September) LS5 and LS6.
Whanau Forum Reminder
A reminder that these are being held next week (Week 4). We know the children always love sharing their learning with you, and as teachers, we look forward to celebrating the achievements of your child.
If your child is in Studio 5, their forum will run Monday and Tuesday afternoons instead of Wednesday and Thursday, 3:30-6:30pm.
Wednesday and Thursday 12-13th August
Classes finish at 12:40pm Thursday 13th August
Karma Kids will start from 12:40pm on Thursday 13th August.
Book Here or go to schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter the code: nkgyr
Studio Life
Studio Four
During reading this term our tamariki have been continuing to build their comprehension and decoding strategies. A variety of comprehension skills such as predicting, summarising and discussing new vocabulary, along with a range of decoding strategies are being taught within our studio.
To further support with learning at home, you may wish to talk to your child about the book they are reading, or invite them to read a favourite paragraph. As always, reading to your child is still really important.
We are currently linking our writing to our NZ History unit of study. This lends itself to a variety of writing types, diary entries, perspective/point of view writing and much more.
We have begun our term with learning about fractions. Our children have been exploring these in a variety of hands-on ways, by building, cutting, drawing and making parts of shapes. Problem-solving around this concept continues, with learners sharing their ideas and strategies for solving complex problems.
NZ History
We have re-ignited our NZ History learning from back in Term One. Last week our learners re-visited Traditional Maori Life, focussing on what life on a pā was like for Māori people as well as the food, clothing and tools that were used during this time. This week, we are looking at what life was like on the other side of the world, in England, before people came to Aotearoa.
The children have been working hard to complete their calendar art over the past two weeks. Calendar art is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, the different artworks the children have created will be on display during our Whanau Forum.
We would love donations of tissues next time you pop to the supermarket as well as the odd newspaper or two!
Studio Five
Term 3 has got off to a good start in LS5. The children are settled, engaged and showing ever-increasing skills of collaboration and leadership. We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our Whānau Forum next week. It is a great opportunity for children to celebrate their learning with you and a time for us to touch base with you too.
For concept we are learning about New Zealand history, focussing on pre-European Māori life, early explorers and their arrival to Aotearoa. We are exploring the different world views involved and the impact this had on the first encounters.
We are linking our writing to this learning. Our current focus is on writing paragraphs, including a topic sentence, detail and a concluding sentence.
During reading we are exploring chapter books. In our groups we are summarising, predicting and asking and answering questions about the books we read.
In maths we are learning about fractions. We are solving problems, playing games, using equipment, and having fun exploring the idea of fractions in many ways.
We have also been working hard on our calendar art. It is looking fantastic. We are displaying the art in the studio for you to enjoy at the whānau forum next week.
In PE we are learning a new game each week. We practise the game each day, coming up with new rules, strategies and ways of playing together to keep on improving the game. Through this, the children are learning skills of leadership, compromise and team-work.
We look forward to seeing many of you on Monday or Tuesday at our studio Whānau forum next week.
Nicki and Ella
Studio Six
The children are working very hard in LS6. They are settled and are showing independent skills and caring values.
In reading we are exploring Chapter Books through our Book Club programme. In groups the children are summarising, predicting, asking and answering questions about the books they are reading.
Our writing is linked to our current concept where we are focussing on pre-European Māori life, early explorers and their arrival to Aotearoa. Our current writing focus is on writing paragraphs, including a topic sentence, detail and a concluding sentence.
In maths we are learning about fractions. We are solving problems, playing games, using equipment, and having fun exploring the idea of fractions in many ways.
During art the children have a choice between two themes. This work is for the annual calendar art fundraiser.
Some children are working on Hundertwasser inspired landscapes using bold colours, curved lines and filling the space.
Others are working on feather and arrow designs using a mix of paint and watercolour pencils. They will be available for viewing at the Whānau Forum next week.
In PE we are learning a new game each week. We practise the game each day, coming up with new rules, strategies and ways of playing together to keep on improving the game. Through this the children are learning skills of leadership, compromise and team-work.
We look forward to catching up with you at the Forum next week.
Melissa and Sue