Hero photograph
Photo by Rebecca McColgan

Welcome to the Senior School

Melinda Dixon —

Welcome back for 2021! We hope you have all had a relaxing summer break and your child is looking forward to their year ahead in the Senior School.

We feel very lucky to welcome our new teachers Carron, Simone, and Tara to Westmere|Te Rehu, and of course to have Ella and Melissa back teaching in the Senior School team again. Thank you to those of you who have come in to meet us this week, we look forward to meeting you all more formally at the Meet the Studio evening on the 16th of February. Welcome also to our new students Sam and Zane in LS6! We are very happy to have you joining us.

This week your child will have received their stationery in class. This has now been labeled and placed into individual tote trays in studios. You do not need to supply any other stationery items, but children are welcome to bring in a pencil case if they would like to do so. We also encourage your child to have a named drink bottle filled with water each day as it is very warm in our studios at this time of year. And of course, all students need to have a bucket hat so that they can venture outside during the day (these can be purchased at the office).

Students are welcome to bring their own devices to school once they have signed and returned a BYOD agreement. If you have done this previously for your child you will not need to do so again. These devices are to be stored underneath teacher whiteboard stations during school hours. They will then need to be taken home at the end of each day and charged at home. You will find more information about this in the main newsletter article.

Please do not hesitate to contact us or to come in and see us if you have any questions or queries as we begin the school year. Our email addresses are listed below. We are looking forward to meeting you and working with your children this year. 2021 is going to be a great year!

Studio 4

Tara Krishnamurthy: tara@westmere.school.nz

Simone Myburgh: simone@westmere.school.nz

Melissa Rowcroft: melinda@westmere.school.nz

Studio 6

Carron Ye: carron@westmere.school.nz

Ella Seabrook: ella@westmere.school.nz

Melinda Dixon: melinda@westmere.school.nz

Ngā mihi,

Tara, Simone, Melissa, Carron, Ella and Melinda