Student of the Week
These students displayed our Growth Mindset tools.
Sebastian Currie - Staying focused and on task during learning times
Roman Clare - Asking clever questions during our Firewise unit
Eva Bunn - Amazing thinking in her writing
Kaitlyn Roydhouse-Barrows - Excellent focus when shooting at Netball Super Six
Lyla Overton - Great communication for her part in the school production
Tilly Shepherd - Excellent focus all week
Mikaere Graham - Excellent focus in class
Mila O'Donnell - Fantastic Risk Taking during Numeracy
Rozay Walsh - Awesome Whakaaro (thinking) during Reading
Blake Bjornsson - Risk Taking and Perseverance even when he finds a task challenging
Mila Koubaridis - Outstanding effort during Production
Rosie Grant - Outstanding effort and perseverance in Literacy
Corbyn Compton - Being positive and Focused
Ben Floyd - Fantastic Focus during Class PE lessons
Charlie McBride - Always using his Growth Mindset tools
Dean Peterson - Excellent thinking and focusing in the classroom
Cooper Barns - Self Managing - Learning his part for the School Production.