Wgp School — Oct 14, 2020

Whangaparāoa Primary School is taking on the huge task of refurbishing it's hall for use by the whole community. It's a big challenge and we need your help!

Whangaparāoa Primary School is a community school, with a focus on family and providing the very best for our children.

Image by: Whangaparāoa School

Our school hall is used extensively by students and staff during the school day. We run before and after school care, holiday programmes and the hall is also used by several local community groups. As a consequence of all this use, the hall is now very tired and in need of repair. The cladding is failing, the roof leaking, and the toilet facilities fall far below what you would expect of a community hall.

To bring it up to standard is a big job. Our vision is to create a warm, inviting space where people of all ages connect, are challenged to participate in a range of exciting opportunities, and feel empowered as part of a vibrant local community. Plans have been drawn up and consent is in place to make this vision a reality. We are currently in the process of awarding the building contract with the aim of starting work in term 4 (October 2020).

To achieve this, we need your support.

As one of the School's most ambitious projects ever, the overall cost of completing the Hall refurbishment is estimated at $780,000. The Ministry of Education will cover a third of the cost, which reflects their level of ownership of the hall but the remaining funds must be raised by the school. Fundraising is well underway and great progress has been made, leaving a balance of $190,000 still to be raised.

That is why Whangapāraoa School needs you!

You can help by making a contribution to the hall refurbishment today.

Supporters of the hall refurbishment donating more than $500 will be recognised through artwork mounted in the hall foyer, demonstrating your support for years to come (see indicative design below). You will also receive a certificate of thanks to display on your business premises as well as being acknowledged through our newsletters and Facebook page. Donations are tax deductible.

Image by: Claire Prangley

Click here to make a donation online now, or contact us by replying to this email if you’d like to chat with someone about your support.

Thank you.