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Rainy Day Play

WGP School —

There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing

While I was away overseas in Canada I encountered some very cold weather (-23 degrees). What was interesting was that the children in their schools were still allowed out to play in the snow/ sleet/ rain as long as they had the right clothing. This has inspired us to try “rainy day play” at school.

WHAT - When it is raining at break time, children who have raincoats and umbrellas that will keep them dry, are allowed to go out and play in the rain. This will happen in a supervised area and be announced over our loudspeaker. If lightning and thunder are present, children will stay inside.

 WHY - Some children love playing in the rain. Some need to run around and use some energy. Some just need some fresh air. If they have the right clothing, why would we limit some possibilities for them.

HOW - Children need to bring a raincoat or umbrella to school on potentially wet days. They can also bring gumboots in a bag if they do not want to play in bare feet. Note, children will not be allowed to play in the rain with their school

shoes on. Children will not be allowed to play on the grass, but can use the bike track.

This is not compulsory, if you do not want your child to have this option of playing in the rain with the appropriate protection, you can let the teacher know.