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Debbie Thompson —

Each year since 2009 Whangaparáoa School has offered Cognitive Ability screening (using the Woodcock Johnson tests of cognitive ability - BIA) to further help identify our gifted students - those with very high cognitive ability. 

An assessor from Educational Assessment Services comes to school to carry out this screening. Teachers help to identify students in a number of ways, looking at school test results and observing specific traits or abilities in children, some of these students are recommended for cognitive screening to help us clarify strengths / needs. 

We may not see the same child that you see at home. If you feel that your child is possibly gifted, you may put their name forward.  Some common characteristics of giftedness can be found here. Please contact Debbie Thompson if you would like to chat or to nominate your child. dthompson@wgp.school.nz 

Please note: there is a cost of $60 for parents if your child is invited, and you agree, to complete Cognitive screening - you may apply for help if you need it due to financial hardship. You do not need to agree to the screening, but we find it is another way of helping to identify who our gifted learners are, so we can ensure we try to cater for their needs.