J Kember — Jul 27, 2021

Twice a year we report to the Board of Trustees on our achievement data in literacy and numeracy with supporting notes.

Parents can access a copy of this presentation via the school website parent portal under the Presentations Tab. If you need password information please email Karen at pa@wgp.school.nz

We would love for our data to say we have 100% success in everything. We are not quite there, but we are certainly performing well above national averages in all areas. I believe this is due to our supportive community, our wonderful students who on the whole provide a very happy and safe place to learn, and of course our amazing staff who work hard to provide student centred learning opportunities at their level. In the last year we have worked really hard to analyse our data, and address specific areas of need with our children, and within the curriculum. It is certainly working. Well done everyone.