Hero photograph
Photo by Wgp School

Upcoming Events Term 3

Wgp School —

Here are some important upcoming events in Term 3 to be added to your calendar!

15 August -Meeting with Steve McCracken, Principal of Whangaparāoa College 7pm in our hall.

19 August - Book Week + Book Parade and Scholastic Book Fair

21 August - Learning Celebrations (afternoon and evening) 2.15-6pm. Please collect your children from school at 2pm.

22 August - Interschool Hockey

26 August - Mid Term Cohort New Entrant Start Date

28 August - Netball Photos and New Entrant Class Photos

29 August - Year 3-6 Cross Country Competitive (Morning)

29 August - Whole School Crazy Colour Fun Run (Afternoon)

9 September - Year 3 EOTC, Year 4 Camp

10 September - Year 3 EOTC, Year 4 Camp

11 September -  Year 3 EOTC, Year 4 Camp

12 September - Year 3 EOTC, Year 4 Camp

12 September - Interschool Cross Country

12 September - 1st Paraoa iti transition visit

16 September - Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

19 September - Saver Day - Interschool Cross Country

19 September - 2nd Paraoa iti transition visit

19 September - Netball Prizegiving 3.15-4.30pm, school hall

26 September - 3rd Paraoa iti transition visit

27 September - Last Day of Term 3