28 year sixes at Grit Camp — Sep 8, 2020

On the first day we went to Wairere Falls, The second largest falls in the North Island. We had to climb a huge number of steps and after an hour and a half of slog and hard work we finally made it to the look out. It was stunning ! We then had to climb even further so that we were standing at the top of the falls looking out to all the farms and valleys below. 

After a short break for food and water we slid our way down to the bottom jumped in our cars and went to Karangahake gorge. We ate lunch and then tripped around the windows Trail enjoying great scenery of the river and we even went into a little cave where there were wetas and spiders! 

After the walk we jumped in the cars and traveled to our lodge in the bush, it was so cool to have ferns and bush all around us. Since then we have enjoyed orienteering, River walking, cooking on fires, abseiling up and down waterfalls, archery, rock climbing, following candles and rope lines in the bush at night. It has been both a challenge and great fun. 

We will need some sleep on Friday evening! Everyone is well, and we are having a blast as our group of 28.