Hero photograph
Photo by Wgp School

“We Care” You Be You, Friday, 1st April

Wgp School —

Gold Coin donation - “We Care”

WHERE : Whangaparāoa School

WHAT : Student choice of clothes day (clothing must be clean and respectful).

COST : Families asked to contribute a gold coin or more to support the “We Care” fund.

WHY : To create a fund that would be available to support families in our community that experience a crisis or traumatic event.

BACKGROUND : The PFA is a parent run organisation whose prime objective is to raise funds so that the school can provide extra play equipment, resources and staffing to maximise learning and opportunities for the children in our community. They organise many events annually to help provide a significant financial contribution to school endeavours.

The PFA would also like to support the school if ever any of our families experience traumatic news, or a traumatic time or incident. Please note the establishment of a “Care Fund” is not designed to be able to front costs for any trauma. The goal would be to do a little something to help a family in a time of crisis, and let them know that as a school community we care. It could be some petrol vouchers, some lunches for a week, some groceries - just a little something to help out.

The PFA executive and Leadership team would make such decisions.

The “We Care” Friday is a chance for children and families to give a little donation to help create such a fund. It would mean everybody could contribute and the children can enjoy getting dressed up for the day.


It turns out that in the course of colonisation, the term mufti was appropriated. "That appropriation has a history of degradation and racism”.

In respect of finding this out, we are going to call our uniform free days at school “You be You” days - which celebrates difference and diversity.