BOT — Apr 6, 2021

The Hall Project is coming along steadily and if you've walked passed you may have noticed the new weatherboard and all the new windows and doors.

What you can't see from the outside, is the updated lobby and toilet facilities which are currently in progress. The next steps are refinishing the floor, painting and wall finishing's, and new decking. 

Once these are completed school assemblies, sports, productions, clubs, and before/after school care and holiday programs will resume in the hall. We can't wait!

Be Part of the Legacy
Would you like to have your family name included in the hall donor appreciation artwork? A beautiful commissioned artwork is to be hung in the lobby of the hall, highlighting all the hall donors whose funds helped refurbish the hall. 

From $500 your family name will be part of the art for decades to come (tax deductions of 33% apply). Long after your children have finished primary school they will be able to come to an event held at the Whangaparāoa School Community Hall and see their name on the wall, and we think that's pretty special.

Instalment payments are possible - please be in touch with the school office to find out how you can be a part of it.