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Whangaparāoa School

8 November 2019


Kindergarten Festival

by Melanie

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Kōrero with Kevin

by Kevin Cronin

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During the games my muscles were flexing, blood racing and heart pounding.

by Skip

The day flew past, and we had a brilliant time.

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Sustainability Challenge

by Wgp School

Last Friday six teams of year 5&6 kids competed in the sustainability challenge at Long Bay Regional Park, run by Auckland council and Lactic Turkey. There were over 100 year 5-8 teams competing. Kids raced to find checkpoints and complete challenges, having to read a map and plan a strategy to get there. They learned about ways to care for the environment, while enjoying a day at a beautiful park. Well done to Whangaparaoa Maomao - Harry, Liam, Jake and Tyler - who came in 5th place for the year 5&6's! Thanks to the parents who came to transport and shadow the teams.

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by Wgp School

Congratulations to our teams who entered the 'Vector EPro8' competition against other schools. EPro8 stands for Engineering, Problem Solving, Innovation. This year our school hosted the event. Teams from year 5/6 are given a choice of challenges to complete, in a limited time with set materials. Our teams came second, third, sixth and eighth. Team 'Mechanical Maniacs volume 3' (Elsdon, Jamie, Zach, Oliver) and team ‘Insert Team Name’ (Skip, Jaidan, Toma, Charlie) qualified for the semi-finals. Great job teams - lots of great skills learned along the way for all.

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HBC Softball Tournament

by Tamati

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Halloween Disco a Great Success

by PFA

Thanks to you we raised $6500 for our School Hall refurbishment

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Reminder last day for ordering from the Book Fair is tomorrow at 9.30am in the library

by Wgp School

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Lockie recently attended a Barcelona FC football academy in Sydney to work on developing his football skills.  Lockie has now been asked to attend another development camp in Barcelona!  Lockie will be heading there in early January. 

Student Success

by Wgp School

If you would like to share your child's success at an event or competition please send a photo and a few words to

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Halloween Disco - All the Witches, Wizards, ghosts and ghouls came out to play, dance, eat and decorate biscuits....

by WGP School

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by WGP School

As Term 4 rolls out and 2020 comes closer, we want to be able to celebrate as many things as we can with our parent community. Please note the following dates and events:

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Newsletter Sponsor - Immerse Fostering Connections Empowering Futures

by WGP School

Welcome to our Newsletter sponsors page - contact if you want more information on how you can sponsor our newsletter.

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