A.I.M.S Games
Kia ora Parents and Caregivers of AIMS Games Participants, A huge thank you to those parents who attended the AIMS Games meeting regarding the organisational details of the event. The purpose of this letter is to share with you some items discussed at the meeting.
Covid Testing
All students staying at the Marae will need to complete a Rapid Antigen Test and present a negative result 48 hours before travel.
The school will provide the RATS.
If a student presents with a positive test, they will need to stay behind and a refund will be given.
If a child becomes ill during tournament week, they will be tested and if they present positive, whānau will need to collect them with the school helping with the cost of fuel. It may well be pick-up from the top of the Bombays.
If we have multiple team members become ill and a team can no longer front a team, that team will need to return home.
It is expected that the team manager will keep parents posted.
Medical and Media Waiver forms must be completed online.
All parents/caregivers please complete your child’s medical and media waiver forms online. The instructions should have been sent to you from your child’s team coach/manager.
Team Itineraries
This is the domain of the coach and manager. Each team has a coach and a manager. The manager needs to start a FB Group Messenger page/ WhatsApp/ or whatever social sharing site they want to use to communicate events coming up, sharing daily events/ daily itinerary, games played at tournament week, etc. Part of the manager’s role is to communicate with parents from their team. Please download the free NZ AIMS Games App from the App Store to stay connected to your child’s sport. The draws and results and highlights. It has it all!
Gear List
Attached is a Gear list, showing the requirements each person generally may need. This is merely a guide.
A big Thank You to Juliana Davis (WIS teacher) who has volunteered to be our Number 1 Chef and also our Number 1 grocery shopper for us. She will lead a team of parents in the Whare kai making sure we are all well fed during our week away.
Sunday 4th September
We leave from WIS on Sunday 4th September at 8 am. Please have your child here by 7.45 am. As a guide, your child will need up to $70.00 pocket money in a wallet as their team may be doing a few extra bits and pieces in the evening and for any snacks or souvenirs, they may fancy purchasing.
Home Baking will be gratefully received for bedtime Milos and for snacks throughout the tourney. All students need a cut lunch from home for Sunday’s lunch and a named water bottle or money to buy lunch.
Friday 9th September
Friday’s arrival home depends on whether or not teams or individuals make the finals of their events. Teams will be arriving back at various times. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE SCHOOL OFFICE ON FRIDAY 9th SEPT FOR THE ETA BACK HERE AT SCHOOL OR your child’s team coach/manager will inform you as to their ETA back at kura. 09 438 8659 or email sue.botica@wis.ac.nz
All clothing and belongings MUST be named so that any found items can be promptly returned and that laundered sports gear is returned to the right person!
Please be aware that the school takes no responsibility for damaged, misplaced, or stolen gear like cell phones and alike.
There will be 1 more newsletter a week before the trip.
Nga mihi,
Wiremu Rankin
Trip Coordinator