Whangarei Intermediate School AIMS GAMES Personal Requirement List 4th- 9th September 2022
This is not a definitive list, merely a guideline. We are away for 5 nights.
pillow and pillow case footwear – sandals/jandals, runners
sleeping bag and sheet sun hat
2 towels sunblock
2/3 pairs shorts swimming togs (optional)
waterproof raincoat socks – 5 pairs
5 tee shirts 2x long pants
3 sweatshirts 1x warm jersey
underwear 5 pairs 1x warm hat
pyjamas/sleeping clothes School tracksuit
Students are to wear their AIMS GAMES Sweatshirt and a pair of jeans with runners
School Tracksuits will be worn for the opening ceremony and on the days of competition.
Other Items:
Toilet bag containing hairbrush/comb, toothbrush/paste, flannel, soap and shampoo
Drink bottle
Large plastic bag for wet/dirty gear
Packed lunch and snack food for the first day
Optional Extras:
Daypack (small gear bag)
Insect repellent
If your child suffers from allergies or is under medication please send clear instructions for staff to administer. Students need to give any medicines to the team manager.
Emergency contact numbers are as follows (please keep them handy):
Wiremu Rankin: (021) 4388694
Huria Marae: (07) 5780363 OR (07) 5787838