by Hayley Read
Hayley Read — August 3, 2022
Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi. With red and black the work will be complete.. This refers to co-operation where if everyone does their part, the work will be complete. The colours refer to to the traditional kowhaiwhai patterns on the inside of the meeting houses.
Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa e nga māna, e nga reo huri noa tō tātou takiwā e korowai nei i te aroha o Te Parawhau o Ngāti Kāhu o Torongare. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Nau mai hoki mai ki te kura takawaenga o Whangarei. I hope you had an awesome and refreshing time during the holidays with your tamariki. It has been a great start to the term even though the weather has been a rather tad challenging with it being so wet.
As you are aware we are back wearing masks to prevent students and staff from getting unwell with flu and or Covid. We thank everyone for complying with this expectation. We have a limited amount of masks for our students and thank those who are wearing their own. Either way, we are encouraging all of our student body to wear their masks, covering their nose and mouth. For whatever reason your child can't wear a mask, please just send an email to your child's teacher: first name. Kia haumaru kia koutou katoa. Be safe everyone.
We have another busy term ahead of us again: School Science Fair, High School visits and Open days, WIS Contributing School visits, AIMs games, Debating, Whānau Events, and to mention a few of the events. AIMs Games will be held in Tauranga towards the end of this term from Sunday 4 to Friday 9 September. We are planning to take teams to represent WIS in hockey, sevens, netball, squash, tennis, and soccer to name a few. Once again, Mr. Rankin is the organiser extraordinaire! Many thanks, Mr. Rankin-he mihi nui ki a koe.
Nau mai, harae mai koutou katoa. Whangarei Intermediate School staff invite new potential families to attend: Parent Information Evening: Tuesday 16 August, 6pm ~ 7pm. Whangarei Intermediate School hall. Open Days: Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 August. Come to reception and our student ambassadors will take you on a tour of our facilities and answer any of your questions. We all look forward to meeting you, WIS Staff/Nga Kaimahi.
Below is a youtube video of students from Te Whanau o Waimirirangi citing our school's Moteatea. The moteatea is all about our school pepeha. Many thanks to Whaea Miringa, Matua Kara and the akonga from Waimirirangi (Ruma 12) and Te Kōpū (Ruma 13). Nga mihi nui koutou katoa. We love it. Taku aroha ana.
Mā te wā, na Hayley Read. Tumuaki/Principal of the best school in Whangarei with the most remarkable students (especially those who are demonstrating our school’s vision: ma te whanaungatanga, ka whai mātauranga te akonga, ka tu rangatira).
Ko te Angitu te Karauna o te Kaha Success Crowns Effort